Main function of BactDating package to date the nodes of a phylogenetic tree
initMu = NA,
initAlpha = NA,
initSigma = NA,
updateMu = T,
updateAlpha = T,
updateSigma = T,
updateRoot = T,
nbIts = 10000,
thin = ceiling(nbIts/1000),
useCoalPrior = T,
model = "arc",
useRec = F,
minbralen = 0.1,
showProgress = F
Tree wih branches measured in unit of substitutions
Sampling dates for the leaves of the tree
Initial rate of substitutions per genome (not per site), or zero to use root-to-tip estimate
Initial coalescent time unit
Initial std on per-branch substitution rate (only used in relaxed or mixed-relaxed models)
Whether or not to update the substitution rate
Whether or not to update the coalescent time unit
Whether or not to per-branch substitution rate (only used in relaxed or mixed-relaxed models)
Whether or not to use the root finding algorithm
Number of MCMC iterations to perform
Thining interval between recorded MCMC samples
Whether or not to use a coalescent prior on the tree
Which model to use (poisson or negbin or strictgamma or relaxedgamma or mixedgamma or arc or carc or mixedcarc)
Whether or not to use results from previous recombination analysis
Minimum branch length of the phylogenetic tree (in number of substitutions)
Whether or not to show a progress bar
Dating results